Vessel Ministry Team
Vessel describes the physical and organizational structure needed to support all of our ministries and projects: Building and grounds maintenance, Finance, Fundraising. Works closely with the Trustees.
Trustees The Trustees serve as stewards of the church properties. They train and lead the church in its financial stewardship. Among their duties are the preparation of the church budget, raising funds authorized by the church, providing for maintenance, supervising expenditures and investments and providing for the auditing of all church financial books at least once a year.
Memorial Glen This ministry oversees care and maintenance of the outdoor Memorial Glen. They maintain records, obtain permits, and file required paperwork with Town of Brentwood. They arrange for site preparation and work with families to obtain markers.
Stewardship This committee will provide opportunities for congregational giving to support the work of the church and its ministries. They will educate the congregation about various ways of using their gifts of time, talents and finances. The Stewardship Committee will work with the Trustees to determine required income levels, utilize denominational resources to share information about planned giving, requests, and other forms of benevolence.