Welcome to Pilgrim United Church of Christ, Brentwood-Kingston!
Pilgrim Church is an Open and Affirming, Just Peace church which means that whoever you are and where ever you are on life’s journey you belong here. We seek to live a life of Active Justice, Extravagant Welcome, and Inclusive Love through Faith, Worship, and Service by going out in to the world to work so that all of God’s children know God’s love, God’s justice and God’s peace. We welcome you to join us on the journey.
We worship together weekly on Sunday mornings at 10am in our historic meeting house. Live streaming worship is available on our Facebook page. Be sure to join us whichever way is most comfortable for you.
5/20 Community Oven Food Pantry Fundraiser!
We are teaming with Community Oven in Epping on Monday May 20th for a fundraiser for the food pantry. They will donate 20% of all food sales from 4-9pm, so our goal is to get as many people there as we can!
We will be raffling off a Garden Basket and a Charcuterie Basket featuring a beautiful board made by Scott Ratta, as well as a handmade cutting board, also courtesy of Scott. There will also be a 50/50 raffle.
We hope to see you there! If you are interested in helping out on the organization side, please contact Holly at through the church office at (603) 778-3189.
Art for All Ages & Abilities
Calling on all artists and crafters of all ages and abilities to meet up with fellow creatives for some social time while you work!
Bring lunch and just hang out with similar minded folks of our community every Thursday 10:30am – 1:30pm at The Pilgrim Church in Brentwood.
- Are you tired of sitting alone working on a project? Come join in the fun!
- Don’t have a project currently, but want to explore different options to see if something sparks your interest? Come check us out.
- Stuck with a project that you just can’t finish or figure out? Bring it in and see if someone has the knowledge you need.
No matter your ability level or your age, come join us and explore different art and crafts. We will have supplies to get you started and may be asking for donations for future supplies.
*** Please note: This invitation to bring lunch and explore some arts and crafts
is open to all those in the “Special Needs” community, all ages and abilities welcomed. (Individuals must be accompanied by a support giver when necessary)Contact Jacky Sullivan – email: rsullivan2319@comcast.net for more info
Please Consider Donating
Please consider supporting our Mission and goals with a donation. To make a one-time or recurring donation, click the button below:
Weekly Events
Sunday 10:00am
Monday 7:00pm
Men’s AA Meeting
Thursday 1 – 3:00pm
Food Pantry Open
Wednesday 7:30pm
AA Meeting
Thursday 10:30am – 12:00pm
Art 4 All Ages and Abilities
Thursday 7:00pm, 7:45pm, 8:30pm
Tone Chime, Band & Choir Rehearsal
Friday 7:00pm
AA Meeting
Monthly Events
3rd Tuesday 7:00pm
Brentwood Garden Club
4th Saturday 8:30am
Book Club
Sunday Services Streams
Dec 24, 2023
April 9, 2023
April 2, 2023
Open and Affirming
An Open and Affirming congregation is one that has pledged to welcome all people into the full life and ministry of the church, with an explicit welcome to people of all sexual orientations. An Open and Affirming (ONA) congregation knows that many barriers still exist that prevent people from being able to bring their whole selves into worship. Therefore, our ONA statement offers a welcome to people of every marital, social, or economic status, race, physical or mental ability, emotional condition, sexual orientation or identity, ethnicity, gender, age, or previous religious affiliation. We make this stand in response to the inclusive love that Jesus shared and the extravagant welcome of our loving God.
Mission Statement
We seek to live a life of active justice, extravagant welcome, and inclusive love through faith, worship, and love.
Affirmed and Voted on May 2018, Annual Meeting
Just Peace Statement
A Just Peace church is one that has made a commitment to working for a just peace, which the United Church of Christ defines as “the interrelationship of justice, friendship, and common security from violence. The goal is always to minimize violence while working for justice and friendship.” We envision a world living in “shalom”, the Hebrew word often translated “peace,” but which is truly a much more encompassing word than that. It means “wholeness, healing, justice, righteousness, equality, unity, freedom, and community. Shalom is a vision of all people whole, well, and one, and of all nature whole, well, and one.” This is a lofty goal and a formidable task, but as a church we have pledged ourselves to it..